Duane's Wine Blog

for the practical wine drinker

Blog Post #68 – Education

  • Blog Post #59 – Wine of the Month (October)

    For the month of October, my Wine of the Month selection is a Nero D’Avola from Sicily, specifically Firriato’s Nero D’Avola Chiaramonte (2021). This one I had to get from the Saratoga Wine Exchange, because the Clinton guys don’t have one. If your local wine store doesn’t carry this exact brand, that’s OK; as long…

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  • Blog Post #58 – Food & Wine: Restaurant (main course)

    Before I start this one, I have to apologize. I have been off line for a couple of weeks because my site was hacked. So, I had to get that taken care of, then add an extra layer of security. Now, everything seems back to normal. As to the blog, today I will talk about…

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  • Blog Post #57 – Education

    In my last Education post, I began detailing the 9 Noble Grapes, according to the National Wine School (NWS). Today, I will continue, picking back-up with the first three red ones. I will start with the high acid, low body ones (like I did with the whites) and work my way “down” from there. As…

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