Here is the basic structure all future posts will take. Each week, I will publish a new blog in one of the 3 active categories (eventually there will be 5 categories). Since I am based in Clinton (NY), most of my posts will be relevant to that location. However, much of what I have to say, by design, will work for folks living elsewhere.

Food & Wine – These posts will all involve a pairing of food and wine. Unless otherwise stated, the food was bought at the Hannaford grocery store in Clinton and the wine was bought at Clinton Wine and Spirits.

There will also be pictures that I have taken, as well as descriptions based on the three icons in read more. Eventually, I will branch out from these 2 locations, but they are our go to places for groceries and liquor store wine. Plus, it is a VERY IMPORTANT point to me that I mostly talk about food & wine that you can get your hands on!!

The posts will fall into 3 general categories: appetizers, main courses, and desserts. The first several will be appetizers, then a few simple main courses. After that, I will randomly switch between the three. All will be meals you can easily make with ingredients from the Clinton Hannaford, unless otherwise indicated.

Education – These posts will cover a variety of topics, such as grape varietals, wine types, wine regions (around the world), how different types of wine are made and/ or blended. It will also include “wine news”, mostly in the form of Top 10 Lists from WS, JS, and others. Anything I can think of to expand your understanding of wine is likely to appear in one of these posts. As always, I will follow the aforementioned three icon format.

Wine of the Month – Once a month, these posts will profile either a specific bottle of wine or wine type (such as pinotage, port, prosecco, etc.), which would then be followed by a recommendation, or two. All wines can be bought at Clinton Wine and Spirits, unless otherwise indicated. Additionally, the posts will be using my standard three icon format found in read more.
That’s it for blog post #1. Next week’s will be a Food & Wine post. Cheers!
4 responses to “Blog Post #1 – Education”
Nice start! Looking forward to more posts. 🙂
Thanks. Hope you enjoy them & keep the feedback coming.
This looks like a fun blog. I plan to du deeper in the next few days to learn about your pairing suggestions. Good work !
Excellent resource, Duane. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion!